Strange but interesting read. It reminds me that the whole discussion around BLM or social injustice is about tearing into one segment of a large pie. Take a nice fresh pie. Cut yourself a slice, then there is the whole pie left. If you start picking apart some element of that one slice, you will get certain results, but they are not valid representations of the rest of the pie. You say, not true. Cherry pie is cherry pie. But what if your slice had the one cherry pit that got left behind. You could break a tooth. That would be bad. You cannot say the whole pie had pits in it.
Focusing on dogs, cats or other elements of society to answer the ills of a few who feel disenfranchised is sad. Because you will find some who are truly disenfranchised, does not mean the whole system is at fault.
I love my brothers and sisters everywhere, but I do not have to agree with everything they say all the time anymore than they must agree with me. What made America great is the ability to come together and have discussions. The fact that some feel unable to participate in that is on them.